Sunday, June 3, 2018

Rock vs Classical

How will young people will gravitate to classical music when it has a limited catharsis compared to the mass emotional raw visceral energy of rap and rock ? These musics reflect the electronic frenzied world we live in today as compared to when we had horses and buggies to get around and candles to light our homes.

Classical Music is a pre electric art form....

Monday, May 28, 2018

Today's World

You need to be a psychotic in today's world to be sane !

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Why Classical Music cannot change

Mozart, Brahms, Bach, etc have all been codified by our society as classical music and have become a branded institution. Orchestral institutions now exist for the perpetuation and perseveration of the institution, not invention .
So we have institutions vs. invention. If you want new and innovative music you must look elsewhere.